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IPUR contribute to World Economic Forum e-book

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The Lloyd's Register Foundation Institute for the Public Understanding of Risk (IPUR) have helped contribute to a chapter in the World Economic Forum's e-book on COVID-19, offering a socio-psychological perspective of the effects arising from the pandemic, as well as the various risk and opportunities associated with these effects.

World Economic Forum's e-book on COVID-19

IPUR is a collaboration between Lloyd's Register Foundation and National University of Singapore, promoting safety and the public understanding of risk. Since 2016, IPUR has conducted research and education on risk, helping build connections with practical end users such as policymakers, decision-makers, and opinion formers in government, industry, regulators, the media, and general public.

In a report titled “Challenges and Opportunities in the Post-COVID-19 World” published by the World Economic Forum on May 19, their team provided a collection of opinion pieces offering perspectives on a post-pandemic future, in support of efforts to proactively and collectively shape the future we want.

Titled “A Socio-Psychological Perspective”, the chapter focuses on the social-psychological effects arising from the COVID-19 outbreak, specifically a rise in mental depression and domestic conflicts, racist attacks and nationalistic behaviours. It identifies the current and expected changes, risks and opportunities arising from these three issues.

The e-book looks beyond the current pandemic and covers a wide range of issues such as trade, governance, health, technology and labour and assesses where the balance of risk and opportunity may arise from. The result is a comprehensive range of expert opinions from global thought leaders.

In addition to this report is another titled “COVID-19 Risks Outlook: A Preliminary Mapping and Its Implications”, which analyses the risks, challenges and next steps moving forward from the pandemic. Both reports aim to raise awareness, foster widespread debate and enable more informed decision-making in key sectors.

Visit to read both reports.