Safer maritime systems
Safety across the maritime system is a key consideration in building a sustainable ocean.
Our 2024-2029 strategy has been created in the context of a continually changing world and remains firmly in line with our charitable mission; to engineer a safer world.
Throughout the next five years, we will scale our impact in five ways:
Our 2024-2029 strategy sees us build on, and learn from, our work to date. It has been created in the context of a continually changing world and remains firmly in line with our charitable mission; to engineer a safer world.
We will focus our resources across three interconnected priority areas: Safer Maritime Systems; Skilled People for Safer Engineering; and Safer, Sustainable Infrastructure.
In addition, we will continue to invest in the Foundation’s own assets and expertise which are our maritime heritage and safety evidence and insight.
Lloyd's Register Foundation has released a new strategy document for 2024 - 2029. (PDF, 9.69MB)
We would love to hear what you think about our strategy and how we can work together.
Complete our expression of interest form