Key details
31 Jan 2017
- Location London, UK
- Venue ATI
- Link Find out more at the Alan Turing Institute website
Join our workshop on engineering applications of blockchain technologies
The Alan Turing Institute's (ATI) Lloyd’s Register Foundation Programme for Data-Centric Engineering puts data considerations at the core of engineering design. There are two valuable outputs from the data-centric engineering process, the physical asset and the digital asset and the assurance of both is critical to the safety of engineered systems.
The event on 31 January 2017 will explore the role which distributed ledger and blockchain technologies might play in providing this assurance.
The workshop will bring together subject matter experts and representatives from a range of industry sectors such as aerospace, marine and oil and gas, with the aims of demystifying the technology and developing an understanding of the potential for disruptive innovation and the associated benefits for engineered systems within the industry sectors being considered. A welcome to the event will be given by Professor Richard Clegg, Foundation Chief Executive. Professor Mark Girolami will provide an introduction to the programme for data-centric engineering, setting in context the work being undertaken on distributed ledgers and blockchain. This will be followed by short talks from prominent researchers and developers to provide some more detailed insights into the technologies. The core part of the event will be an exploration of potential domain applications of blockchain technologies, identifying the potential benefits, challenges and system integration issues that might be envisaged.
The output of the workshop will used to inform a report detailing the considerations in applying the technology for engineering applications.
If you or a colleague are interested in attending, please contact Gary Pogson at the ATI stating your interest.