The Lloyds Register Foundation International Consortium of Nanotechnologies, based at the University of Southampton, is offering awards to support doctoral scholars. In its second open competitive call for proposals up to 20 studentships will be funded. ICoN will fund proposals up to £50,000 (GBP), with the requirement that the successful applications secure matched levels of funding. The doctoral studentships will be awarded on the basis of excellence, impact and fit to the Foundation's charitable aims and themes in our Foresight review of nanotechnology. Examples include nano coatings, sensors, separation applications, nano-dots for tagging components, health and safety aspects and quality assurance of nano particles in the supply chain, although broader areas of nanotechnologies will be considered.
How to apply to ICoN
Applications, which should be clearly collaborative, should be submitted online by academic supervisors, who if successful will have one year to recruit a student. Applications by potential students will not be considered. More details can be found here
About ICoN
The Lloyd's Register Foundation International Consortium of Nanotechnologies (ICON) aims to develop a global network of nanotechnologies focussed on addressing the challenges raised in the Foresight review of nanotechnology (2014) to enhance safety. The global network will comprise world-leading academics, industrialists and students.
ICoN’s approach offers a unique model for creating impact by enabling an efficient and effective knowledge transfer internationally, a step change in interdisciplinary research, beyond geographical, institutional and resource boundaries. Its members will participate in relevant workshops and knowledge-exchange meetings as well as undertaking collaborative activities with complementary international groups. ICoN’s greatest outcome will be this nurturing of a new generation of interdisciplinary engineers, who will undoubtedly be valuable assets for both academia and industry.