The Lloyd's Register Foundation identified passenger ferry safety as a challenge in its insight report on global safety challenges in 2017. A panel led by Daryl Attwood, Foundation Senior Programme Manager, including international experts representing industry, academia and representative bodies was identified to explore the topic and assembled on 19th & 20th March 2018 at the Lloyd’s Register Foundation offices in London. They sought to establish the countries where most fatalities are occurring, the predominant accident causes in these countries and the practical measures which would save most lives.
This Insight Report provides a better understanding of the global safety challenges in the passenger ferry industry. It takes a closer look at where accidents are occurring, why they happen and what steps can be taken to reduce the lives lost in this sector. It compares the differences between different regions identifying those most vulnerable, where overcrowded ferries without proposer safety equipment are common. In some instances crew training and basic seamanship practices are lacking.
The report presents the following key findings:
- The highest number of fatalities has occurred in the Philippines, Bangladesh, and Indonesia.
- Globally, the causes of ferry accidents are related to economic status, value placed on life and social outlook of the operators and passengers in the countries where the incidents occurred.
And it recommends that:
- A non-profit, ferry-operator funded organisation dedicated to improving ferry safety should be established.
- The network of safety experts who contributed to the work should be supported and expanded.
Dr Daryl Attwood, the report's author, said "We consulted with a wide range of safety professionals and researchers to inform our report. Much needs to be done to improve safety in this industry. The countries experiencing the most fatalities and needing the most help are in Asia, which is why the Foundation, with its existing network and future partners, will maximise impact by directing its initial attention there."
Commenting on the Foundation's latest initiative, Professor Richard Clegg, Foundation Chief Executive, said "Lack of sufficient safety in the passenger ferry industry was identified as one of our global safety challenges, and this report demonstrates how we are beginning to better understand some of the critical issues in this area and how the Foundation, in partnership with others, can identify areas that will lead to more lives being saved, especially in those areas of the globe that have a less developed safety culture. Our charitable mission directs all our activities as we seek to address those global safety challenges identified as significantly harmful to life and property."
Download the Insight Report on safety in the passenger ferry industry.