Dear Friends and Colleagues,
From everyone at Lloyd’s Register Foundation, we hope you are well and keeping safe during the global COVID-19 pandemic. We understand this is a difficult time for many of us as we support our families or friends and adjust to new ways or working.
The Foundation team are currently working hard to minimise the impact of COVID-19 on our grants and to support our grantholders during this time. We understand that whilst some work on projects is able to continue, other projects may find themselves needing to be paused or reduced due to the impact of COVID-19. Grantholders should feel free to contact the Foundation team if you’d like to discuss your project or request a change in the delivery timetable and we will do our best to help.
Over the past few weeks, we’ve been hearing some very inspiring stories about the different ways our community is responding to COVID-19, harnessing their skills and resources to pioneer new solutions to COVID-19, helping vulnerable groups during the crisis, or learning how to become more resilient to pandemics in the future. We wanted to share some of these incredible stories with you in this newsletter and would love to hear from you if you have new initiatives you’d like us to include in a future newsletter.
Our fishSAFE project in Bangladesh was one of the first to respond to the outbreak of COVID-19 and has been distributing face masks and hand sanitiser to their network of vulnerable rural fishermen, promoting the importance of good hygiene during Coronavirus to keep them safe and well. This is a fantastic example of how a relatively small thing can go a long way to helping save lives.
One of our major programmes, Resilience Shift, is supporting our critical infrastructure networks, such as healthcare and food production, which have never been more important. They have identified relevant learning from their work which can be applied to the current situation and are making this available to organisations throughout the infrastructure value chain to keep our supply chains working.
And finally, our partners at STEM Learning went into action as soon as school closures were announced in the UK and have been working intensively to develop support for teachers, parents and families so that young people still receive the best possible STEM education this year. They’ve produced a collection of free top notch resources and are making them available through a simple portal on their website.
A big thank you from the Foundation to all these projects and to the many more out there who are continuing to do everything they can to make the world a safer place during COVID-19.
This is a really important time to keep connected so please do get in touch and we will do our best to share your news with our wider community.
Take care and stay safe,
Richard Clegg.