Catalina Jaime, Lead of Climate and Conflict at the Red Cross Red Crescent Climate Centre and PhD researcher at University of Twente, ITC
Catalina work focuses on advancing practice, research and policy to support climate action for people affected by fragility, conflict and violence. She is a contributor author to the IPCC AR6 report, chapter 17 on Decision-making options for managing risk. Since 2020 she leads on Anticipatory Action in situations of conflict for the Anticipation Hub and during the last years she has coordinated the global strategic development of Anticipatory Action, has been the knowledge manager of the Science for Humanitarian Emergencies & Resilience (SHEAR) programme and has supported the development of the Impact based Forecast approach for early action. She currently leads the partnership with the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) to support their transition towards climate action in their operations globally.
Catalina’s background is in industrial engineering from Universidad Nueva Granada in Colombia, with a MA in Humanitarian Action, specialized in conflict, disasters and peacebuilding from Deusto and Uppsala Universities, she is currently doing a PhD on Early Warning and Early Action in situations of conflict at the University of Twente/ITC. She has more than 18 years experience in humanitarian action, most of them working on Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction.