Imizamo Yethu 2017
An exploration of fire safety, within the context of the 2017 Imizamo Yethu fire.
On 11 March 2017, one of the largest fires to have happened in a South African informal settlement ravaged through Imizamo Yethu, Cape Town. Photographer Justin Sullivan documented the mass of firefighters (some 170) who struggled to control the wildfire, and the irreparable damage caused to the 15,000 displaced peoples and their property.
In 2018, Lloyd’s Register Foundation announced their funding of The Fire Engineering Education for Africa (FEEFA) programme at Stellenbosch University; the first-ever university postgraduate programme in fire safety in Africa. Addressing the lack of expertise in local fire engineering, which has resulted in regular large informal settlement (slum) fires, FEEFA develops both fire safety specialists and acts as a central hub of expertise that emanates across the continent.
Imizamo Yethu 2017
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A collection of works celebrating ten years of Lloyd’s Register Foundation making the world a safer place.
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