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The Turning the World Risk Poll into Action programme will award funding up to £250,000.
The 2023 World Risk Poll assessed global perceptions and experiences of risk across a range of safety issues. Key findings have now been published in four main reports in 2024:
With the full dataset from the 2023 Poll now freely available, we want to maximise its impact and ensure the data is widely disseminated and used to improve people’s safety, as well as our understanding of safety, risk and harm around the world.
We are therefore inviting proposals for projects which will use the data to design and run research and/or practical interventions, in areas aligned to the mission and strategy of Lloyd’s Register Foundation, that aim to make a marked contribution to improving global safety.
We are interested in research projects aiming to address data gaps or increase our understanding of specific (local) contexts or safety issues through secondary analysis of the Poll data and/or use alongside other relevant data. An important output could be the provision of evidence, disseminated to stakeholders, which motivates action. For example, research projects which find robust evidence for how and why particular demographics are most impacted by safety challenges, that effectively communicate findings to relevant bodies, and consequently influence improvements to public risk information.
We’re also looking to support hands-on projects that can lead to real-world impact by using evidence and insights from the Poll. This could include creating new programmes or strengthening existing ones that address key safety issues. For example, a project might aim to reduce the number of accidents or improve safety in high-risk communities by enhancing services or resources available to them. The goal is to take the Poll’s findings and turn them into actions that make a meaningful difference in people’s lives.
The World Risk Poll explores a wide range of topics, and we're looking to support a variety of projects that tap into different aspects of the 2024 report findings. You should request a level and duration of funding that’s appropriate and well-justified for your proposed research or intervention, aligning with one of our defined funding categories.
Category A: research projects
Category B: practical interventions
Category C: combined projects
By actionable research, we mean that which is designed to address specific problems or needs and is intended to produce practical solutions that is directly applied to real-world issues. The research focuses on generating insights that are not only academically robust but also relevant and applicable to policymakers and/or practitioners and other stakeholders. In other words, usable research is not only about generating knowledge but also about facilitating its application.
We want to invest in projects that help us turn the World Risk Poll into action towards achieving the Lloyd’s Register Foundation mission and strategic priorities. As a result of this funding programme, we would expect to see:
3.1 Your proposal
Your proposal should present a clear and compelling vision for how you will use the Poll data, whether through research, developing an intervention, or a combination of both.
While the proposal from template will be the same for Category A, B and C projects, the assessment of your proposal will depend on the type of project you are submitting. Each project type will be evaluated against specific, yet complementary, criteria outlined in the funding call details. To ensure your submission meets all requirements, please refer to the proposal guidance and tailor your responses to address the relevant criteria and questions for your project category.
3.2 Mission and strategy alignment
As a global leader in safety evidence and practice, Lloyd’s Register Foundation is dedicated to generating, collating, and applying evidence to realise our charitable mission, with the World Risk Poll being a flagship initiative in this regard. As the Poll dataset expands, its longitudinal and regional insights will increasingly support and enhance the Foundation’s efforts and those of our partners. This expanded dataset will facilitate new research projects and innovative interventions, thereby extending the Foundation’s impact whilst establishing valuable new networks.
Our overarching goal is to transform the World Risk Poll into actionable insights that become a vital resource for informing and shaping safety interventions and programmes preventing harm to people and damage to critical infrastructure. We envision the Poll evolving into a go-to database for guiding safety measures, helping to address critical issues and improve safety outcomes on a global scale.
The World Risk Poll is integral to our strategy as it identifies where the greatest harm occurs and where we can make the most significant impact on safety – either directly in our current strategic priority areas, or by informing future strategies based on evolving Poll findings. It also highlights areas where others are well-positioned to take action to improve safety.
This funding call therefore aims to invest in initiatives that deepen understanding of local contexts and needs, fill data gaps, enable further research, promote evidence-based decision-making, and support interventions that improve safety outcomes with a particular focus on our strategic priority areas.
Specifically, we aim to leverage the World Risk Poll into Action funding programme to meet our strategic aims through three key lenses:
As we continue to explore areas where World Risk Poll findings reveal additional safety challenges, we remain open to funding practical interventions that focus on the Poll report topics or broader themes of risk, resilience, and safety. While these projects may not be directly aligned with our current strategic priorities, we will consider them based on the volume and quality of proposals received.
In this case we would consider ‘seed funding’ or act as a catalyst, supporting smaller efforts that create safety initiatives – though these could also be projects that are most effective when there is another larger funder with the capacity to support the scale up and deepening of the work.
With certain exceptions, anyone is welcome to apply; however, we are particularly interested to hear from researchers and research bodies, NGOs, and organisations driving action-based interventions. We place particular emphasis on locally-led projects and seek better representation from a global spread of countries (though we will remain open to co-led proposals that enable quality and capacity building), with priority given to the following:
Who cannot apply: organisations whose focus is wholly outside the scope of our mission, as well as political organisations and religious groups.
First you will need to create an account on Flexigrant by visiting the Lloyd’s Register Foundation portal homepage. Once you have created your account you will receive an email to verify it. Once you have done this, you will be able to access the Expression of Interest form, where you will be asked to briefly explain your vision for utilising the World Risk Poll dataset. The purpose of this step is to establish communication with you, and to confirm whether your proposed project is on scope of the funding call before you proceed with a full application.
The final deadline for Expressions of Interest is 10 January 2025, with applicants notified of whether they can proceed on 6 February. However, if you submit your Expression of Interest earlier – by 15 December 2024 – it will be assessed sooner, and you will be notified of the outcome by 7 January. Please note that, although this will mean you have more time to work on your full application, there is no other advantage to submitting early.
If you have any problems creating your account or accessing the Expression of Interest form, please email [email protected].
If your Expression of Interest is judged to be suitable for this funding call, a link to the full Flexigrant application form will then be sent to you. All applications must be submitted via Flexigrant; they will not be accepted in other formats.
The final deadline for full applications is 28 February 2025.
Applicants will be notified of the outcome by May 2025.
A concise guide for prospective applicants to understand the submission requirements for the Turning the World Risk Poll into Action scheme. (PDF, 7.38MB)