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Communicating science and data through creativity

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Artists, scientists, communicators and designers descended on Singapore's ArtScience Museum for Lloyd's Register Foundation's inaugural Art/Science Symposium in November 2022.

Art/Science Symposium 2022 - highlights

Art/Science Symposium 2022

Art/Science Symposium 2022 was a free one-day event hosted by Lloyd’s Register Foundation, in partnership with ArtScience Museum of Singapore and the Institute for the Public Understanding of Risk at the National University of Singapore (NUS), exploring global perspectives on communicating science, data ad complexity through creativity.

The programme boasted a series of fascinating seminars ranging from the wonderous to the abstract to the intriguing, inviting world leading experts from quantum technologies, experimental arts – even aerial acrobatics – to share experiences, learning and best practice on creative communications in the sciences, engineering and risk.

Honor Harger, Vice President of ArtScience Museum Singapore, discussed how art, in dialogue with science, can give the public tools to take action and bring a better future into being. Physicist and author José Ignacio Latorre spoke on the overlapping culture of both art and science, with examples from the Centre for Quantum Technologies’ artist-in-residence. And award winning director and film maker Dan McDougall gave a masterclass in storytelling, and explained how winning a film audience in the attention economy is an emotional business.