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Richard signalled his plans to the Board of Trustees of the Foundation last year and agreed to stay on a while longer to help in a smooth transition during a busy year of change for LR and to support in the process of finding a successor.
Richard’s last day will be at the end of June 2022, which appears some months away, but the search process will become public knowledge soon, hence the wish to let friends and stakeholders of Lloyd's Register know first.
Thomas T. Andersen, Chairman of Lloyd’s Register and the Foundation said: “As Richard turns to a new chapter of his successful career I would like on behalf of the Board of Trustees and myself to salute Richard for his huge contribution to creating and growing the Foundation in such a remarkable way. We wish Richard all possible success in the future and look forward to a continued relationship to the benefit of the whole group of entities in the LR family.”
Professor Richard Clegg said: “Having the opportunity to be the first Chief Executive of our Foundation has been my absolute honour and privilege. At the heart of LR is its social purpose to make the world a safer place, and the work of the Foundation brings that to life.
“Next year is going to be the tenth anniversary of the creation of the Foundation and the conversion of LRG from the Industrial and Provident Society that had been established in 1760, making it an apt time for me to hand over. I’m very much looking forward to the future and continuing to support LR after my retirement, albeit in a different way. I want to thank everyone across LR for their support and confidence over the past 10 years as I sign off.”
The search process for a new chief executive will be conducted by Odgers Berndtson.