Accelerating climate action in Africa
This week marks Africa Climate Week 2023, a platform for policymakers, practitioners, businesses, and civil society to come together and fight back against climate change
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A proposal from the Lloyd’s Register (LR) Maritime Decarbonisation Hub for the “Development of a Route-based Action Plan Methodology based on The Silk Alliance” has been selected as the winner of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) NextGEN Connect Challenge.
Organised by the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA) and the IMO, the IMO NextGEN Connect Challenge was an invitation for submissions to develop a robust methodology that stakeholders could use to develop specific, route-based action plans to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions between specific points along a shipping route in the Asia Pacific region.
Launched at the Singapore Maritime Week last year, the organisers received several high-quality submissions. The LR Maritime Decarbonisation Hub’s winning proposal has been selected for pilot implementation in collaboration with the IMO.
With the experience of initiating The Silk Alliance green corridor cluster, the LR Maritime Decarbonisation Hub will also leverage its ‘First Mover Framework’ methodology and experiences from green corridor initiatives to work with the MPA and IMO on the NextGEN Connect Challenge. The implementation of this methodology aims to generate a spillover effect of knowledge, capability and investment into the wider region, contributing towards a just and equitable transition that also benefits Less Developed Countries (LDCs) and Small Island Developing States (SIDS) in Asia Pacific.
Initiated by the LR Maritime Decarbonisation Hub in collaboration with partners across the maritime supply chain, ‘The Silk Alliance’ is a green corridor cluster initiative focused on a fleet predominantly bunkering in Singapore and trades across the wider Asia region. The Alliance identified a feasibility scenario for in scope container ships and continues to engage with key stakeholders to increase its impact to drive significant emissions-savings within the intra-Asia container trade.
Nick Brown, Lloyd’s Register CEO said: “This endorsement by the IMO NextGEN Connect Challenge judging panel is proof that the LR Maritime Decarbonisation Hub’s green corridor methodology provides a clear focus in estimating the critical mass needed to drive much-needed infrastructure investments, such as port and fuel production infrastructure for alternative fuels, in preparation for shipping’s decarbonisation.”
Ruth Boumphrey, Chief Executive of Lloyd’s Register Foundation said: “By creating the LR Maritime Decarbonisation Hub, Lloyd’s Register and Lloyd’s Register Foundation committed to addressing the growing climate emergency by creating a safer and more sustainable maritime industry. Recognition from the IMO through their NextGen Connect Challenge is a great indicator that this project is taking positive steps towards that goal.”
Mr. Teo Eng Dih, Chief Executive of MPA said, “We extend our warmest congratulations to Lloyd’s Register Maritime Decarbonisation Hub for their winning proposal in the IMO-MPA NextGEN Connect Challenge. This proposal reaffirms the pragmatic and inclusive approach needed to accelerate the adoption of low and zero-emission solutions through the development of green and digital shipping corridors. MPA looks forward to collaborating with Lloyd’s Register, IMO and other partners to implement the proposal to help decarbonise the maritime industry.”
IMO Secretary-General Kitack Lim said: “Maritime needs innovation and through trials and pilot projects, we can all learn and take on board best practices. IMO is supporting this through various projects, in partnership with many stakeholders. I am pleased that through the Singapore-IMO NextGEN Connect project we have seen exciting proposals presented. I congratulate the winner and I look forward to receiving the results of the trials at IMO, to share with the Member States.”
Charles Haskell, Director of the LR Maritime Decarbonisation Hub, added: “With this pilot implementation, we not only aim to reduce emissions from the cargo trade in the region, but also incentivise the development of alternative fuel supply infrastructure in strategic positions, including those in the region’s developing countries. Once we are able to implement a successful green corridor within the intra-Asia route, we hope that the spillover effect can provide the methodology and momentum needed for shipping to fulfil its 2050 zero emissions goal.”