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Ruth Boumphrey, Director of Research at Lloyd's Register Foundation, shares how the engineering sector could benefit from more data sharing. She also highlights the importance of the recent stimulus fund, supported by the ODI and LRF, in demonstrating these benefits.
This report is the result of a project by the Open Data Institute (ODI), funded by Lloyd’s Register Foundation, which began in December 2019. The project follows a previous collaboration between Lloyd's Register Foundation and ODI, which explored how sharing engineering data can create public good, by building on two key principles outlined in our manifesto for sharing engineering data:
The project demonstrates that there is a clear appetite for improving access,
use and sharing of engineering data, but that there has been a general lack of coordination across the sector to drive it forwards. The four funded projects demonstrate that the principles outlined in the manifesto can provide a pathway to achieving impact with data, and that working towards one principle can unlock value in other areas of the manifesto.
The report recognises that there is a long way to go before the engineering sector is able to fully realise the value of wider data sharing. In particular, data literacy and skills across the engineering sector need to be improved. To enable this, continuing professional development (CPD) providers need to offer courses that have data literacy and skills built in.
We urge engineering organisations to consider how they can support the manifesto going forwards, whether through advocating for open or shared data, enabling innovation by supporting new projects or building data skills within your organisation. If you would like to discuss how you could act on the recommendations outlined in the manifesto, please get in touch with the Open Data Institute.