Safetytech Accelerator launches new £1m Safetytech proof of concept fund
The award-winning Safetytech Accelerator is continuing in its mission to make the world a safer place by launching an initial £1m PoC (proof of concept) fund.
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From training to improve worker safety in ship recycling facilities in Bangladesh, to assessing the risks of structural failure of decommissioned offshore structures, the projects will tackle priority global safety issues as part of the Engineering X mission to achieve Safer End of Engineered Life.
Safe, modern decommissioning facilities are available around the world but most ships, as well as many offshore structures, reach the end of their operational lives on a handful of poorly equipped beaches in South Asia. The International Labour Organization has classified shipbreaking among the world’s most dangerous occupations, with unacceptably high levels of fatalities, injuries and work-related disease. The Hong Kong International Convention for the Safe and Environmentally Sound Recycling of Ships was adopted in 2009 but has yet to come into force.
To significantly improve safety, grants of between £50,000 to £200,000 in value have been awarded to the following projects:
Safety envelope for ship recycling practices in Bangladesh: hazard identification and risk evaluation
Safe and sustainable decommissioning of offshore structures taking into consideration the peculiarities of the ASEAN & South Asia Regions
Partners: Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (Malaysia), PetroVietnam University (Vietnam),
Newcastle University in Singapore (Singapore), Liverpool John Moores University (UK), Sea Sentinels Pte Ltd (Singapore), Mahidol University (Thailand), Institut Teknologi Bandung (Indonesia), R.L.Kalthia Ship Breaking Pvt. Ltd. (India)
The risks of structural failure of decommissioned offshore oil and gas installations worldwide
Supporting the Ship Recycling Transparency Initiative
Establishing a global baseline and raising awareness to help deliver safety improvements
Ensuring the rights of communities and workers affected by shipbreaking
In 2019, 674 commercial ships and offshore units were sold to scrap yards, according to a recent report. Of these vessels, 469 large tankers, bulkers, floating platforms, cargo and passenger ships were broken down on just three beaches in Bangladesh, India and Pakistan, amounting to nearly 90% of the gross tonnage dismantled globally.
The problem of disposing of ageing offshore structures is moving up the global agenda as an increasing number of oil and gas developments are reaching the end of their operational lives. Alongside the current wave of decommissioning from the offshore oil and gas sector, the growing offshore renewable energy industry is setting up new waves of decommissioning activity for the future.
"Achieving a safer end of engineered life for ships and offshore structures is a delicate balancing act. As long as these structures have residual economic value there is an incentive to recycle them. The alternative includes abandonment or deliberate scuttling on a large scale. But the challenge of improving safety during decommissioning is not one that can be hidden by displacing the safety risks to parts of the world least able to manage them—the danger to human life, health and the environment arising from current practices is a global problem and is too high. By awarding these grants and through the wider activities of this programme, Engineering X hopes to help all parties progress towards safer and more sustainable solutions that work for all. All those with an interest or stake in any stage of the life cycle of ships and offshore structures must understand their role in the processes that give rise to the poor safety record of decommissioning generally. They must also acknowledge a shared responsibility to raise standards and to develop and adopt best practices to improve safety wherever these structures end their operational lives. It is increasingly in their interests to do so."
William Powrie FREng, Professor of Geotechnical Engineering at the University of Southampton and Chair of the board for this Engineering X programme.
Safer decommissioning of offshore structures and ships will be the focus of number of Engineering X's activities over the coming months and will include a global conference in 2022.