Data visualised in digital twins
Exclusively from ‘SAFE: A collection of works exploring a safer world’, this lamp translates real time data into a ‘digital twin’.
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The Global Awards, which were announced last week, are a culmination of the Lloyd’s List’s Excellence in Shipping Awards 2019 – the industry’s flagship awards programme that recognises and rewards excellence across all sectors of maritime.
In December, the Safety Accelerator was presented with the European Lloyd’s List Award for the same category, at an exclusive ceremony in London. Now, with this latest accolade, the programme has been recognised on a global scale for its excellence and impact in innovation, setting it apart from the competition worldwide.
The Safety Accelerator was shortlisted for this global award alongside fellow regional winners, with adjudication carried out by a distinguished and industry-leading panel, who felt that the programme, the first of its kind globally, embodied everything that the Lloyd’s List Awards were established to champion, displaying important and impressive global impact for safety and risk in critical industries, including the maritime sector.
All of us at Lloyd’s Register are delighted to have won the Lloyd’s List Global Award for Excellence in Data and Technology Innovation for our Safety Accelerator programme, especially following our victory in this prize category at the Lloyd’s List Europe Awards in December. The Safety Accelerator spurs collaboration between digital start-ups and industry with its challenges programme, bringing new technology innovation to solve critical safety issues and highlighting the merits of working together to make the world a safer place.
The Lloyd’s List Global Award recognises the success of our Safety Accelerator in making critical industries safer using digital technology. We're looking forward to the outcome of the programme's pilots and hope to be able to mitigate some of these risks and solve critical safety challenges globally, for the benefit of entire industries.
Plug and Play is thrilled with the success of our collaboration with Lloyd’s Register and Lloyd’s Register Foundation and winning this Global Lloyd’s List Award is testament to our impactful partnership. We're looking forward to continuing to tap into our network of over 10,000 global startups to find the best digital companies worldwide and to continue defining the future of safetytech together, globally.
About the Safety Accelerator
The Lloyd’s Register Safety Accelerator is the first programme of its kind globally, hastening the adoption of digital technology for safety and risk in critical industries, including the maritime sector. The programme, a joint initiative between Lloyd’s Register, Lloyd’s Register Foundation and run in partnership with Plug and Play, facilitates and guides collaboration between innovative digital startups and industry corporates, to make the world a safer place.
For more information about the programme, please contact: [email protected].