Data visualised in digital twins
Exclusively from ‘SAFE: A collection of works exploring a safer world’, this lamp translates real time data into a ‘digital twin’.
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Picture a world where no one dies as a consequence of work, where industry doesn’t suffer catastrophic failure, where companies can say that no one was harmed in the making of their product and where accidents can be predicted and therefore prevented.
Learning from accidents and incidents at work is absolutely critical to building safe workplaces of the future. Powered by the latest digital technology, Discovering Safety - a partnership between Lloyd’s Register Foundation and the Health and Safety Executive (HSE), draws together workplace safety data on an unprecedented scale.
A global knowledge resource, everything from small incidents to industrial catastrophes (reaching back over the last 40 years) is compiled and logged. Expert analysis of the data subsequently produces bespoke solutions for local contexts to prevent future accidents.
‘The Elucidation Engine’ - one of ten works featured in ‘SAFE: A collection of works exploring a safer world’ – is a robotic tool that transforms a complex accident and incident dataset into a tangible physical sculpture, and in doing so evokes moments of conflict, danger, anticipation and calm.
To explore ‘SAFE: A collection of works exploring a safer world’, visit our online exhibition.
To learn more about Discovering Safety and how they’re making the world a safer, more sustainable place, visit their website.