Data visualised in digital twins
Exclusively from ‘SAFE: A collection of works exploring a safer world’, this lamp translates real time data into a ‘digital twin’.
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Imagine a future where robots work in a greater variety of roles, and in greater numbers alongside humans. A future where autonomous systems gain our complete trust, and perform tasks without human fear or apprehension.
The Assuring Autonomy International Programme (AAIP) at the University of York is working to make this future a reality. This group of experts are producing state-of-the-art research, training and guidance to ensure the safe adoption of robotic and autonomous systems in industry.
‘Attunement’ – one of ten works featured in ‘SAFE: A collection of works exploring a safer world’ is a short CGI film investigates the potential of safer collaborative human-robot working relationships.
This precisely choreographed animation, tested and represented through game engine and green screen footage, explores media-driven contemporary concerns surrounding automation. At its narrative crescendo, the film provides a twist that assures viewers of a safer future where robot-human relationships, built on mutual trust and care, can positively thrive.
To explore ‘SAFE: A collection of works exploring a safer world’, visit our online exhibition.
To learn more about AAIP and how they’re making the world a safer, more sustainable place, visit their website.