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interviews were conducted by Gallup across 121 countries during 2021.
To mark the launch of the fourth report of the 2021 Lloyd’s Register Foundation World Risk Poll, we will be hosting a free webinar on Tuesday 26th January at 3pm GMT /10am ET to present and discuss the findings with a panel of world-leading experts.
In June 2021, the International Labour Organisation’s Convention 190 came into force as the first international treaty to recognise the right of everyone to a world of work free from violence and harassment. Against the backdrop of the ongoing campaign for national governments to ratify the Convention, there is an urgent need for comprehensive and reliable data on the nature and scale of the problem to help policymakers target their efforts.
To address this need, this data from the Lloyd’s Register Foundation World Risk Poll provides the first global and comparable measure of violence and harassment in the workplace, using consistent questions and definitions across 121 countries.
The report will be published on Wednesday 25th January and contains the fourth set of results from the 2021 World Risk Poll, based on around 125,000 interviews conducted by Gallup in 121 countries during 2021.
This webinar, hosted in partnership with Reuters Events, will provide critical insights into work-related violence and harassment at a national, regional, and global level, to better understand who is most at risk and why, and reinforce the importance of early intervention from policymakers and employers when delivering effective prevention, remediation, and vital support services.
Panellists joining us for the webinar include:
To register your place for this free webinar, please visit the event sign-up page.