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Annual Review 2016/17

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The 2016/17 Annual Review highlights the Foundation’s significant impact in promoting safety, scientific research, and public understanding of risk. Key achievements include funding for global safety research, advancing engineering skills and education, and launching new initiatives in data-centric engineering, robotics, and additive manufacturing. The Foundation supported 21 new grants and expanded its grants portfolio to £100.36 million, funding projects that address critical global safety challenges. With a focus on promoting scientific excellence and safety, the Foundation plays a pivotal role in improving the infrastructure and safety standards worldwide.


  1. A Year in Numbers

    Overview of key financial figures and impact metrics from 2016/17, showcasing the Foundation's reach and influence.

  2. Chairman’s Statement

    Reflections from the Chairman on the Foundation’s achievements, challenges, and goals during the past year.

  3. Foundation Chief Executive’s Review

    Insight into the Foundation’s strategic direction, with a focus on maximising the impact of grants and initiatives.

  4. Supporting Excellent Scientific Research

    Highlights of research projects funded by the Foundation, with a focus on advancing safety in engineering and technology.

  5. Accelerating the Application of Research

    Discussion on how the Foundation bridges the gap between research and practical application, especially in safety-critical sectors.

  6. Promoting Safety and Public Understanding of Risk

    Efforts to raise awareness of risk and promote safety education through various grants and projects.

  7. Promoting Advancement of Skills and Education

    Focus on developing skills in engineering and technology, particularly for underrepresented groups.

  8. Governance and Management

    Details on the governance structure, management strategies, and financial stewardship of the Foundation.


If you wish to use and reference the Annual Review 2016/17, please include the following DOI:

Example Citation in Harvard Style:

Lloyd's Register Foundation (2018) Lloyd's Register Foundation Annual Review2016-17. Lloyd's Register Foundation. doi: 10.60743/QED9-DG66.

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Annual Review 2016/17

Our Annual Review for 2016/17 highlights impactful global safety research, advancing engineering skills, promoting risk awareness, and fostering innovation through grants, with a strong focus on public benefit and education. (PDF, 6.55MB)