Strategy 2014
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Through our grant making we aim to connect science, safety and society by supporting research of the highest quality and promoting skills and education.
Executive summary
Our new strategy sets out how we will focus on key objectives under four strategic themes: promoting safety and public understanding of risk; advancement of skills and education; supporting excellent scientific research; and accelerating the application of research. We seek to maximise the impact of our research and other activities for the wider benefit of society. At the inception of work, we will work with the researchers and projects we support to identify how our work will benefit society, who the beneficiaries will be, and the pathway to impact. We believe that the researchers and organisations we support are best placed to identify this, which will then form the basis of their agreement with us.
Promoting safety and public understanding of risk
We will make a recognised, distinctive impact on enhancing safety of critical infrastructure important for society through building scientific knowledge, promoting technology application, and enhancing the uptake of research evidence into policy and practice. We will also support organisations where activities enhance the safety of life, property and the environment.
We will promote the dissemination of our research activities and findings to the wider general public in an accessible and understandable format in order to inform a balanced, informed debate on matters concerned with risk and safety and the questions they raise for societies. We will pursue this neutrally to promote public trust, without any motivational bias and not promoting any particular technology or agenda.
Advancement of skills and education
We will raise interest and generate enthusiasm around engineering, stimulating and sustaining young people’s interest in the field and attracting them to study it from an early age. We will particularly focus on disadvantaged and under-represented groups in society.
Supporting excellent scientific research
We will work to optimise our global network of researchers, recognising talent and celebrating success. Through establishing long-term relationships, we will build research capacity and, working with our partners, develop key research facilities and environments to enable world-leading researchers to do their best work. We will focus our support on building research leaders of the future, performing the highest quality work that delivers maximum impact.
Accelerating the application of research
We will accelerate the uptake and application of research and breakthrough technologies to enhance safety concerned with the critical infrastructure important for society. We will support the translation of ideas and research outputs from the laboratory to industrial application, and enhance the uptake of research evidence into regulation and standards. Over the coming years we will be directing our research efforts into four key areas: structural integrity and systems performance; resilience engineering; human and social factors; and emergent technologies. We believe that the Foundation can achieve real impact in these areas, with the focus on emergent technologies future-proofing our approach. By the end of 2014, we should be assessing the first grant applications under the new strategy. And we will be looking to invest in ‘white space’ research topics for which there is currently little or no funding available, and where the Foundation can make a significant contribution. We have many stakeholders in science, industry, academia, the third sector and the policy community, and we look forward to working with them all as we strive to help make the world a safer place.
Example Citation in Harvard Style:
Lloyd's Register Foundation (2014) Lloyd's Register Foundation Strategy 2014. Lloyd's Register Foundation.
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Strategy 2014
Through our grant making we aim to connect science, safety and society by supporting research of the highest quality and promoting skills and education. (PDF, 1.18MB)