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The Elucidation Engine

Complex risk data generated by an AI tool transforms into a luminous sculpture.

The inscription machine.


The tool, currently tested on historical construction site safety data, is capable of calculating risk scores from hand-written health and safety observations, and has been shown to predict incidents before they occur. The mass of everyday data collected by the robot is here transformed into a visceral exploration of risk through time, evoking felt moments of conflict, danger, anticipation and calm.

Powered by the latest digital technology, Discovering Safety - a partnership between Lloyd’s Register Foundation and the Health and Safety Executive (HSE), draws together workplace safety data on an unprecedented scale. A global knowledge resource, everything from small incidents to industrial catastrophes (reaching back over the last 40 years) is compiled and logged. Expert analysis of the data subsequently produces bespoke solutions for local contexts to prevent future accidents.

In conversation with Discovering Safety, the Health and Safety Executive (HSE).


A collection of works celebrating ten years of Lloyd’s Register Foundation making the world a safer place.

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A banner for the SAFE exhibition.