The Seas Are No Longer Dying
This work imagines a seaweed farm approximately 30 years from now, where the implementation of new regulations, protocols and technologies have created a flourishing seaweed industry.

Seaweed is a valuable, under acknowledged and (presently) underused resource. It is easy to grow, it’s highly versatile, highly nutritious and extremely beneficial to ocean ecosystems.
The Safe Seaweed Coalition is a global partnership between the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC), CNRS Biologique de Roscoff and Lloyd’s Register Foundation, working to oversee the safe and successful scaling up of the growing seaweed industry. Empowering members to work together to build an industry for the future, the Safe Seaweed Coalition supports consumer, operational and environmental safety.
This work imagines a seaweed farm approximately 30 years from now, where the implementation of new regulations, protocols and technologies have created a flourishing seaweed industry. Beginning high above sea-level to survey a vast community of seaweed growers, technologists and innovators, we then plunge beneath the water surface where spiralling ribbons of kelp proliferate as far as the eye can see. In this future world where seaweed is carefully nurtured and creatively applied, all manner of architectural, technological, cultural, culinary and occupational opportunities emerge.
In conversation with Safe Seaweed Coalition.

A collection of works celebrating ten years of Lloyd’s Register Foundation making the world a safer place.
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