Foundation Chief Executive attends UN General Assembly
Ruth Boumphrey attended the High-Level Ocean Meeting at the 78th United Nations General Assembly in New York.
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Lloyd’s Register Foundation is an independent global charity with a mission to engineer a safer world. We believe that identifying effective safety solutions requires considering the perspectives of all those involved. That’s never easy, especially with complex safety challenges on a global scale.
We are committed to the principles of amplifying ‘lesser-heard voices’ especially from the Global South, and we want to improve on how we do that. We understand that practice and literature exist in a range of sectors, such as public policy and healthcare, that provide methods for identifying and meaningfully engaging with previously overlooked people and organisations with important perspectives and contributions.
We are looking to commission help finding those bodies of practice and literature and collating selected relevant tools and insight into a practical resource, which we’d use to improve our stakeholder mapping, convening and engagement around shared safety challenges and solutions on a global scale. And we’re also wanting to be able to share and iterate that collated learning, so that other organisations can also benefit.
If this excites you and you have expertise that’s relevant, please contact us via the brief form below.