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Engineering X Safer End of Engineered Life programme

A collaboration between Lloyd's Register Foundation and the Royal Academy of Engineering.

Safer Sustainable Infrastructure

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Open burning of waste in Nairobi, Kenya


This project's duration was 2018 - 2025

Value of grant


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Engineering X tackles global safety and sustainability challenges and promotes the contribution of engineering to solve them.

Addressing the safety challenges presented by decommissioning engineered products and structures.


In 2019, Lloyd’s Register Foundation invested £15 million with the Royal Academy of Engineering to help establish Engineering X. Active in over 35 countries, Engineering X tackles global safety and sustainability challenges and promotes the contribution of engineering to solve them.

Lloyd’s Register Foundation sponsor three programmes with Engineering X, each with a unique strategic vision and governance structure. The Safer End of Engineered Life programme seeks to address the safety challenges presented by the decommissioning and disposal of engineered products and structures at the end of their design life, including offshore assets and industrial waste.

Major achievements from this programme include convening the world’s first multi-stakeholder partnership on the open burning of waste, signed by 54 African Environment ministers to eliminate the practice by 2040. 

The Safer End of Engineered Life programme is also driving safer outcomes in the decommissioning offshore wind, championing circularity and whole systems thinking with industry leaders as the sector grows globally and renewable assets deteriorate.

Engineering X is looking to grow and bring in new partners and funders. To explore potential collaborations, visit the Engineering X Safer End of Engineered Life webpage.

“When products and structures reach their end of life, they can create real hazards to people and the environment. With ships and other large offshore structures, the hazards are particularly acute in those parts of the world least able to manage them. The Foundation's support means we’re able to fund six projects that are using on-the-ground activities, research and community building initiatives to greatly improve safety.”

Hazel Ingham Senior Manager, Engineering X

Contact our Programme Manager

Emily Cameron

Programme Manager

Emily Cameron, Programme Manager at Lloyd’s Register Foundation, leads projects with a focus on heritage grants and managing key partnerships. With a background in cultural heritage and science, she has held roles in national museums and consultancies.

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