Calls for funding

Our approach to grant making is that we direct most of our funding, in consultation with our community and based on evidence and insight of what the challenges are, where our focus should be, and what are the most effective solutions. Explore our current funding opportunities below.
Before you apply
Read more about our criteria for fundingcurrent and former grants across the globe.
countries the Foundation is active in.
total value of grants portfolio.
Open funding calls
Former Foundation-funded student, scholar or apprentice? Apply for NEST funding
Our Network to Engineer a Safer Tomorrow (NEST), is a global community of grant holders, convened by Lloyd's Register Foundation to facilitate learning opportunities and career development. When joining the Network, members are offered training, mentoring and small grant funds as well as an opportunity to keep up to date about the Lloyd's Register Foundation's activities.
Closed funding calls
Engineering a safer world funding call
Lloyd’s Register Foundation has recently launched its new strategy for 2024-2029.
Our new strategy focuses on three interconnected priority areas, which are listed in our strategy along with their main objectives. To support us in delivering this strategy, we are calling for proposals aimed at enhancing safety across these priority areas.
Due to an overwhelming response, we have extended the decision date on all applications to 21 February 2025.
Small grants scheme
Lloyd's Register Foundation's small grants scheme offers grants up to £10,000 GBP for organisations interested in advancing our mission of engineering a safer world. Our small grants scheme is currently closed and will reopen on Monday 24th February 2025.
Turning the World Risk Poll into action
Following the publication of all four reports from the 2023 World Risk Poll, Lloyd’s Register Foundation is inviting funding proposals for projects that use the Poll data for further research and/or practical interventions that improve safety. Grants of up to £250,000 are available.